How Roofing Companies Can Use SEO to Get More Customers
How Roofing Companies Can Use SEO to Get More Customers

How Roofing Companies Can Use SEO to Get More Customers

How roofing companies can use SEO to get more customers

With homeownership growing each day, home repairs are following right behind. This can be great for contractors, including roofing companies. First what is SEO? (Search engine optimization) It is the process of improving visibility by optimizing the quality and quantity of your online content so website traffic can reach a website or a web page from search engines to show as a top result for searchers using a certain keyword. So, when roofing companies use SEO, they can raise the roof on their website traffic and be at the top of the search when consumers are looking for certain services. It is no secret that a well-crafted digital marketing strategy can prove to be essential for showing up in the searches from potential customers. When homeowners are not sure who to call for their roofing needs, Google is typically their go-to. With searches like “Roofing Company Near Me”, “Roof Contractor”, “Roof Repair”, etc., many roofing contractors will appear from within and around the area of search. Now what determines who’ll get the call? Let’s discuss some of the tactics that roofing companies can utilize to get some new customers.

Updating their Google my business

One of the first results that someone will see is your Google My Business page. That is the area of Search Engine Results that features a business’ information including their name, address, phone number, reviews, website link, images, and more! By updating and optimizing your Google My Business, you will be able to literally rise above your competitors. It is certainly not a one-and-done approach, due to ongoing changes and news that you should keep your potential clients in the loop of. However, with detailed keyword research and implementation, it will be much easier for potential roofing customers to find you in their searches. You always want to be upfront and noticed right away instead of being in the bottom and out shined by other companies. It is extremely important to stay in the now. By having a website that is easy to find as well as easy to navigate. The use of SEO, keywords are just a few things to be able to boosts your business.

Writing Blogs

If you are reading this right now then you can see how blogs help pass along information about what you may need or looking for. Statistics, experiences, good and/or bad, it tells a little bit to a bigger story. Blogs can be very helpful content with multimedia representation for your company. It helps by keeping the audience interested. By adding videos, interviews, on your blog can be great content for your website. According to an article written by Opt-In Monster, 77% of internet users read blogs. This is a big percentage of blog readers, and further proves the importance of making blogs a priority to your digital marketing strategy. Customizing your content for blogs can bring prospective customers to your business. Studies also say that businesses that use blogs generate more leads than businesses that don’t. Blogging can be more beneficial to promoting your company than with advertisements.

Hire an SEO expert

As an owner of a roofing company, you should be well skilled at your trade. By knowing your materials, different roof styles what works in different climates the list goes on. So as a professional you would want a professional in SEO to help guide you to a greater level to achieve more traffic to your website and possibly increase the number of potential customers to your business because they know how to get the job done. If you are looking for an SEO expert that will bring a fresh, calculated, and creative element to your roofing business, please do not hesitate to contact me.