Kenny SaySo
Content Creation
content is king...

Consistent Content is The Kingdom

Content has the ability to accelerate the growth of your business in several ways! We are currently in a society that revolves around daily content, from blogs to social media videos. The context of your content is important, but the consistency of it is the icing on the cake.


The most important factor to content creation is your time. If you have time, then you are off to a great start! The next step should always be a brainstorming session. Determine one topic, or question, that you want to address. This topic should resonate with your business, as well as your customers. Once you have your topic, just start writing away! Don’t overthink it too much, the process becomes easy once you get started.

There is no direct answer for this question, unfortunately. There are many different forms of content, and each form may require more labor. What is more important to keep in mind would be your budget. Making sure that you have a budget allocated for your content, if you are not creating it yourself, is ideal for success. 

With the nature of society, and the growing technology, content is EVERYWHERE. Whether it is social media, television, web browsing, or even podcasts… each platform is structured from content. Content will help increase your audience, which will likely bring potential customers, resulting in profit! Think of content creation as a necessary investment.


Blog Writing

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Event Invitations


Social Media Posts

Key Services

Businesses of all fields can benefit from consistent content that is properly planned. You deserve content that your audience will not only resonate with, but will enjoy enough to share with their friends! 

The Process

With each service, the project will begin the same way. Understanding your needs and goals from the very beginning will help me to provide the most effective services for you.


To better understand what you're looking for, I will send over a questionnaire for you to provide initial thoughts and plans.


Once the questionnaire is filled out, we will schedule a phone conversation to discuss the information provided.


After the Consultation, I will craft an elaborate proposal structured around your immediate needs, and other beneficial points to consider.

Your Competition isn't slowing down, so why should you?

Contact me today to learn about how I can help your business grow!