Kenny SaySo
Content Creation FAQs

Content Creation FAQs

What is content creation in websites?

An effective website is full of content. This can be in variations including blogs, videos, information, and more! The more content that you have on your website, the better chances of engagement. There are different reasons why someone may visit a website, but no matter what, the content will make their visit much more enjoyable. Website content can be educational, entertaining, and/or informative.

What is content creation in social media?

In today’s society, businesses can find much success on social media platforms. While some platforms make more sense for different businesses, content will remain the sole driving force. There are millions of daily social media users, which can make standing out a bit more difficult. Social media content can come in variations including images, videos, stories, livestreams, infographics, announcements, and more! Consistency and relevancy are what makes social media content successful.

How much does content creation cost?

The creation of engaging content can cost quite a bit of money, as the ROI should be considered along time spent during the process. Other factors include the complexity, research, and more. Getting content created can range from Free to $2,000+ for solid content. A good mix of professionally created content, and quick internal content, can create a synergy that is most effective. There are many content ideas that don’t cost a dime, as long as you have some time.

How does content creation drive revenue?

Good content drives engagement, and engagement increases the interest from potential customers. Think about a time where you were on YouTube, and came across a video that was either funny, educational, or pulled a heart string. Did that content make you want to share it to friends/family? That was an action taken on that content! From you sharing the content, it gets more eyes on the business/person that created it. Awareness is the first step in the sales process!

Does content marketing work?

Content marketing works to create visibility for a bigger initiative. Companies will implement content that people will be interested in, thus allowing the business to become a thought leader within their field. Content marketing is a ripple effect that allows potential customers to engage with a business, and understand a bit more about the things they care about. Your content marketing strategy will prove to be useful in many aspects of your overall communications strategy. Content marketing is a necessity for businesses. Especially those with high competition.