Kenny SaySo
Paid Advertising FAQs

Paid Advertising FAQs

What is Search Engine Marketing?

SEM, also known as search engine marketing, is a paid marketing campaign through search engines (ex. Google, Bing, etc.). If you’ve ever been on Google, like most people have =), and have seen “ad” appear next to one of the results, that is from PPC/SEM.

Search Engine Marketing campaigns utilizes search engines to reach the targeted audience for your business. This campaign is also known by terms including, paid search ads and paid advertising.
One of my favorite features of a PPC campaign is that you ONLY PAY WHEN SOMEONE CLICKS!

How can Search Engine Marketing help my Business?

Having an SEM campaign for your business can help get you to the next level in a variety of ways. PPC is cost effective, flexible, and can help make your business appear more transparent. This type of marketing campaign will enhance your business’s visibility on the web, by way of paid advertisements. Whenever a potential customer uses a search engine to look for a product or service your business offers, a good SEM strategy will make sure that your product or service pops up on the search engine results pages.

What Search Engine Marketing Services do you provide?

The Search Engine Marketing services I am able to offer you include:

Keyword Research
Competitor Research
A/B Testing
Setup & Management

Which Businesses use Search Engine Marketing?

Search Engine Marketing campaigns are utilized by every business imaginable. From Fortune 500 companies, to as small as your local Mom & Pop stores, each and every business can gain from Search Engine Marketing. The differences will come into play from the amount of money invested.

Can you guarantee first place rankings with Search Engine Marketing?

Unfortunately, there is nothing guaranteed from the world wide web. =( However, having worked on quite a few search engine marketing campaigns, I can provide you will the professionalism and expertise to make things work!