Kenny SaySo
Digital Marketing
Are you getting enough website visitors?

Let's Get Your Visible on Search Engines!

On any given day, there are approximately 5.5 billion Google Searches! If your organic visibility is not strong, many of those searches won’t include your name! This isn’t fair for you or your potential customers. Let’s work on getting you some more leads!

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO for short, is the process of enhancing the visibility of a website on search engine result pages (SERPs). One of the most popular search engines, Google, would be the perfect example of what SEO can do for a business’ website. It is a good rule of thumb that whoever is on the first page of search results, is practicing good SEO. Tactics that help to accomplish good SEO include website structure, optimized content, use of good visuals, page titles & meta descriptions, and more. With technology advancing at a rapid rate, SEO is what will set you apart from your competition.

When people go to Google, or any other search engine, to find products and/or services your business offers, appearing at the top of the searches means more potential customers for you. There is great value of being included in search results for keywords related to your business. Most people will search through a variety of keywords to find exactly what they’re looking for. By preparing your business to appear for many, if not all, of those potential searches, the better your chances of directing that traffic to your site. More traffic could mean more conversions from your website. Your business can also receive a boost in credibility the more times it appears on searchers results. If they do not click the first go around, they will most likely click the second.

Some SEO is better than no SEO. As with any business, you have to spend a little to make a little. While SEO for businesses are essential in today’s age, the scope of your campaign can always be adjusted. This could include something as small as an SEO consultation to discuss some of the key strategies your business should be utilizing, just to get a benchmark of where your business is compared to competitors. While on the topic of competitors, if they are constantly investing in their SEO campaigns, you probably should too. Look at it as an investment for your business, that can yield a substantial ROI.


On-Page Optimization




Analytical Reports

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Website Visitor Experience

Key Services

Digital Marketing plans are a MUST for businesses in all fields. Some strategies are universal, but the tactics can vary greatly! Think of digital marketing as an investment structured around ROI. You get what you put in, so you wouldn’t want to cheat your growth with cutting corners.

The Process

With each service, the project will begin the same way. Understanding your needs and goals from the very beginning will help me to provide the most effective services for you.


To better understand what you're looking for, I will send over a questionnaire for you to provide initial thoughts and plans.


Once the questionnaire is filled out, we will schedule a phone conversation to discuss the information provided.


After the Consultation, I will craft an elaborate proposal structured around your immediate needs, and other beneficial points to consider.

Your Competition isn't slowing down, so why should you?

Contact me today to learn about how I can help your business grow!