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Important Things to Keep in Mind with Buying A Domain & Hosting Plan

Digital technology has taken everything on the internet and there is little you can do without an online presence. Therefore, web hosting is important for individuals or organizations because it’s a location where you store your website content files. Hosting and domain are great ways through which one can promote their company. With the two you are in better position to be found online. However, before buying a domain and hosting you need to have some clarity. Here are important things to keep in mind when buying them.

Research The Competition

Competition is the most important thing to consider before buying hosting or a domain. You need to identify the names that your competitors are using. Be keen to take note of the keywords they use and the extension of their domain. This way you will be able to come up with a name that relates well to what your business is doing. However, you need to check the domain name in the Media template to confirm it’s not in use.

Check Out for Hidden Fees

When you are set on the name, it’s now time to make that investment. Something extremely important to keep in mind is that there are people who purchase popular, common, expired, domain names in attempt to make a big profit off of. You should not be overcharged for a domain even if it’s a top-level one. This is more so because you will be paying for it annually. Therefore, you must ensure that you will not receive a surprise of hidden charges once the first year is gone. One of the ways to identify such charges is by reading the websites’ fine print and taking note of the annual renewal fee. After that, you need to untick any added purchases that are not necessary because the website might automatically sign you in for such products. The other trick is to avoid falling for the cross-sell schemes because your main aim is to have a domain. In addition, make sure that in case you want to shift to another provider, you will not be charged for the migration.

Make The Domain Easy to Type and Remember

Having something that clients can remember is critical. Therefore, it is important to avoid a name that will be difficult for them to remember. Avoid things like numbers, multiple hyphens, or odd word spellings. The domain should be easy for people to type. In addition, try avoiding the use of words that have several common spellings.

Check Out On the Social Media Handles

With social media being so popular, It is important to check if anyone is using your idea on the social media platform. Consistency makes your digital footprint very effective, because it makes it easier for people to find you in different platforms with ease. Moreover, ensure your domain and social media handles are matching to make your brand strong. This way, any visitor will feel at home and confident when they find your potential clients online. They will also be more confident when sharing what you are offering.

Finding a good domain and hosting is essential because these two tools are great backbones to any business. Therefore, you should be sure to get an honest provider who will not inconvenience you some few months after the purchase. Also, be sure that your domain is safe, authoritative, and reliable enough to benefit your business. We have discussed the important things that you should keep in mind when buying a hosting and domain. With them, you will not have any regrets. If you need additional advice or help with acquiring a domain name and/or hosting, do not hesitate to contact us!